Cookie Banner Consent Tool

GDPR compliant websites? A challenge! Are you looking for someone to take care of it? – If so, you’ve come to the right place. Our MKM Cookie Banner Consent Tool, together with our automatic and legally compliant Privacy Policy, fulfills all data protection obligations for any website:

  • Intensive scan of the website with automatic detection of the cookies and trackers used
  • Creation of the legal texts for the cookies used
  • Suppression of cookies until consent is given by the visitor
  • Automatic creation of the cookie banner
  • Monthly scan and update of the banner and related texts
  • Maintenance of the legal texts by a law firm

In combination with our Cookie Popup, automatic Privacy Policy and our individual consulting, we solve all privacy challenges where other tools fail.

Here you will find answers to the most important questions about our Cookie Banner Consent Tool, as required by the case law of the ECJ and the BGH:

What are cookies and trackers?

Many websites use cookies or other tools, so-called trackers and tracers, to recognize the visitor of a page and to analyze their browsing behavior. Cookies & Co are often able to read data stored on the visitor’s computer or store new data (files) there. This allows website operators to collect data to create profiles from characteristics of visitors, so that, for example, advertisements tailored to the visitor can be displayed on future website visits.

A cookie banner (or cookie pop-up) is an upstream information for visitors to a website about data processing that is carried out when they visit the website. This information is obligatory if, according to the European e-commerce directive and the so-called Cookie verdict of the ECJ (Planet49), data stored on the visitor’s computer is accessed when visiting the website, or if data stored there is accessed. These cookie guidelines were thus confirmed by the German Federal Court of Justice (BGH). Cookie consent is required for the storage of and access to data of the visitor to a website, such as the IP address of the computer.

The new, German Telecommunications Telemedia Data Protection Act (TTDSG), which came into force in Germany in December, also takes up this consent provision, which resulted from the case law of the ECJ and BGH.

If you are unsure whether you need a GDPR-compliant Cookie Banner, we will be happy to advise you in a non-binding initial meeting, please find the appropriate contact person here on the right.

Cookie banners are, in themselves, purely informational texts. As a pop-up on the website, they inform visitors that cookies process data and can be closed with a simple click. They therefore merely inform visitors that the website they have just accessed processes data, but are often not able to actively obtain and manage consent. Many banners also do not have the technical function to effectively suppress cookies until consent is granted. Legally, cookie banners thus only have a transparency function that does not have any technical functionality.

Beispiel für nicht-konformen Cookie Banner
Negative example of a non-compliant cookie banner consent tool

Cookie Consent Tools, on the other hand, provide real technical and organizational functionality. The MKM Cookie Banner Consent Tool informs and asks visitors for their consent. The information is available in stages: first as a summary, and if the visitor shows a deeper interest, he or she can access further details and give consent in stages according to his or her personal interest.

In the background, the MKM Cookie Banner Consent Tool is connected to the cookies and trackers embedded on the site and suppresses their function until the visitor has agreed, if necessary. This means that the data processing by cookies and trackers takes place – as required by the GDPR and the ECJ – only after a corresponding consent and not immediately when the website is accessed.

Beispiel für dsgvo-konformen Cookie Banner
Positive example Cookie banner Consent Tool

Ein gutes, DSGVO-konformes Cookie Banner Consent Tool erfüllt zwei Funktionen:

  1. Der Besucher wird vor der Nutzung seiner Daten oder dem Ablegen von Daten auf seinem Rechner transparent darüber informiert, dass dies bevorsteht, wenn er die Seite besucht.
  2. The Cookie Banner Consent Tool allows the visitor of a page to actively consent to those data uses that he wants to allow. In doing so, the banner also fulfills the technical function of suppressing data use until potential consent is given. This function is enabled only after the user has given his or her consent to the use of the cookie.

MKM’s Cookie Banner Consent Tool fulfills all the necessary functions at once: in line with the GDPR, it informs website visitors comprehensively and transparently. At the same time, it takes into account the marketing interests of the company by implementing only what is absolutely necessary from a legal point of view. In addition, the required legal texts are created and supplied right away. If the customer wishes, they are even automatically imported into the website’s content management system (e.g., WordPress or Typo3). Behind the technical analysis of the website, performed by the MKM Cookie Banner Consent Tool, there is a strong database of the most important cookies and trackers currently in use. This database is constantly updated and kept up to date. If you come across an unclassified tracker while analyzing your site, you can report it directly to us and we will evaluate it legally and technically and include it in the database. In this way, third-party cookies in particular, which are detected several times in scans but are not yet in the database, are successively added to the database. The cookies contained in the database can be viewed here on a daily basis.

Beispielhafter Cookie Banner
Example of the Cookie Banner Consent Tool on

Which content management systems are operated?

The Cookie Banner Consent Tool from MKM is available for the content management systems (CMS) WordPress and Typo3. The Cookie Banner for WordPress already handles a large part of today’s websites. More complex sites often make use of the content management system (CMS) TYPO3.

Damit auch komplexere Seiten, die auf TYPO3 basieren, unsere Lösung darstellen können, bieten wir folgende Lösung an: Das Plugin für TYPO3 wird aus unserem privaten Repository (Entwurfsmusterpaket) geladen und kann als „Composer“ installiert werden. Unser Plugin unterstützt die Version 11 von TYPO3, welches nach derzeitigem Stand kein anderer Anbieter bislang anbietet.

Das Repository ist eine Liste von Fachobjekten und -begriffen, die für die Darstellung des Cookie-Banners dienen. Mit einem Composer kann dieses Paket heruntergeladen und eingebunden werden. Vor dem Herunterladen ist es sogar möglich, die Pakete zu prüfen. So kann vorab festgestellt werden, ob die Pakete den Systemanforderungen entsprechen oder Versionskonflikte herrschen. So können Pakte und deren Abhängigkeiten einfach aktualisiert werden, ohne mit einem erheblichen Zeitaufwand die manuelle Neukonfiguration zu starten.

The “automatic update” with the MKM Cookie Banner Consent Tool

While most Cookie Banner and Cookie Consent tools on the market are static, MKM’s Cookie Tool is a dynamic application that automatically updates itself whenever you use cookies from other third-party providers on your site. For providers that don’t offer this, you need to run updating scans manually and add the results to your Privacy Policy manually. With the MKM Cookie Banner Consent Tool, your cookie consent management is always up to date and you are on the safe side – without any effort.

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Insert customized text passages into your Privacy Policy

You have customized text parts that may not be exchanged during an update (e.g., for applicants or other so-called Article 13 information)? – No problem – For the MKM Cookie Banner Consent Tool this is easy: When creating the Privacy Policy for the first time, we can insert text passages that are permanently excluded from an automatic update process and thus always remain unchanged. – Talk to us about it!

How is the blocking of cookies done?

Cookies are detected as part of the analysis of the website. These are automatically grouped in the Cookie Banner for WordPress and for TYPO3 based on specific criteria such as name, domain, value, etc. For this purpose, a data record (i.e. category, legal basis, etc.) from the database is assigned to the cookie via defined filter rules.

If this does not succeed, e.g., because a cookie is not yet contained in the database, these values are automatically generated by means of an automatic evaluation (heuristics). The automatic evaluation uses technical details of the cookie and looks at the “behavior” of the cookie. It is then compared to similar cookies that have already been classified and legally classified.

Since the automatic classification is based on heuristics, it is possible that there are erroneous assessments. The most likely error, however, is that an unknown cookie that does not actually require consent is classified in such a way that consent must be obtained. This would be an error, but legally the site operator is still on the safe side.

If the initial scan finds cookies or trackers on your website that cannot be unambiguously classified from a legal point of view, you will receive a notification from us with recommendations on how to deal with these cookies. If necessary, we will then be available to answer any questions for a tailored consultation.

Customization of the cookie popup or cookie banner to your design

MKM’s cookie banner, also called cookie popup, can be tailored to the design of your website, so your website is not only legally protected, but also remains visually appealing.

In which languages is the MKM Cookie Banner Consent Tool available?

The Cookie Banner alone can be provided individually in all languages upon customer request. The cookies and trackers found, which are delivered in the Privacy Policy, are currently only available in German. However, we are working hard to make them available in English and other languages soon. If you would like to be kept up to date on this, sign up for our specialist newsletter right here.

GDPR-compliant websites – how does it work?

In order to make a website data protection compliant, there are various components that need to be coordinated with each other. These include:

  1. A Privacy Policy that summarizes the required information in a clear and findable way.
  2. A cookie banner consent tool that transparently informs visitors and requests effective consent – active cookie consent management.
  3. The individual assessment of other technical components such as stores, locked login areas or applicant tools that require their own section in the Privacy Policy.
  4. Do you actively work with your site or have your site managed by an agency? – Then you should think about regular updates of the privacy components of your site.

Unlike other providers, MKM can offer you all-round protection for this:

The all-round carefree package for websites.

How does it work?  – MKM’s all-round carefree package for website data protection is a unique combination of services that solve all data protection requirements. Active Cookie Consent Management together with an always up-to-date, automatic Privacy Policy in combination with our high-quality expert advice are the core elements for GDPR-compliant websites.

The Cookie Banner Consent Tool can only be combined with the Privacy Policy texts, as our tool delivers the Cookie Policy texts and updates them independently. The following prices therefore refer to the Cookie Banner Consent Tool and the automatic Privacy Policy. Details about MKM’s Privacy Policy can be found here

35 EUR / Month45 EUR / Month95 EUR / Month
Prices for the Cookie Banner Consent Tool

Comparison of services

Creation of Privacy Policy only, manual insertion
Creation of Privacy Policy only, automatic insertion
Cookie Banner Consent Tool + Privacy Policy (manually inserted)
Cookie Banner Consent Tool + Privacy Policy (automatically inserted)
Advice on cookies & trackers not to be cataloged
Custom insertion of text in the Privacy Policy that will be excluded from the update.
Individual privacy consulting for website content (10 min./website/month)
Individual privacy consulting for website content (30 min./website/month)
Performance comparison for the Cookie Banner Consent Tool

Do you have questions or need help?

We help and advise you according to your needs